Why We Cultivate Love
We cultivate love to maintain connection with our partner; to evolve together; to remain vibrant, loving, playful, supportive, and collaborative amidst life’s adventures and changing stages. We cultivate love to get ahead of the curve, to be intentional as we craft our life’s landscape. We cultivate love because relationships require commitment and a growth mindset, fusion and autonomy. We cultivate love because we reap what we sow.
How We Cultivate Love
We cultivate love in relationship together. Our process begins with my learning where you are already well-aligned with your partner. We focus on big-ticket items, those which most of us don’t think of until they are already at play and which, when consciously identified, can garner cohesion — essentially, the things you’re actually fighting about when you think you’re fighting about the dishes. Where there are discrepancies, I serve as a neutral third party and compassionate guide as we arrive together at short-term agreements. All of this is formalized in a “contract”, which is a powerful tool recording your shared commitments and enhancing their realization. This process is revisited every 12 – 24 months, as new topics become relevant over time.